There has been a spectacular array of spring flowers on display at the lake this year. Head on over to the flora section to see what plants are in bloom when.Read More
In recent days a couple of people have reported seeing juvenile Spotless Crakes at our lake. This morning I sat quietly for over an hour and managed a few shots. These birds are shy and very fast; just as well because the ravens were keenly interested in the young! It is very encouraging to see...Read More
The Forum will consider what has been achieved in the field of environmental weed management over the last two decades, what current responses are and what opportunities can be seen in the future. Speakers include respected authorities from government agencies, the community and non-government organisations. These include Greg Keighery and Kate Brown from Department of...Read More
Have you ever wondered what Perth was like before it was a city? A new exhibition at the Perth Town Hall is set to tell the tale of Perth’s swampy past. Reimagining Perth’s Lost Wetlands is a joint project between Edith Cowan University (ECU), City of Perth, and Landgate, which aims to raise awareness of the...Read More
Thursday 30th October 7:30am – 9:30am Meet at 7:30 am at the Lake Claremont Golf Club car park on Lapsley Road, Claremont. We will look for waterbirds and bushbirds around this pleasant suburban lake. For members and the general public. Hope you can make it! Leader: David FreeRead More
Looking to volunteer this weekend? Norma will lead a group of hand weeders this Sunday 31st August from 9-11am to help the survival of newly planted seedlings. No need to stay the entire time. Even a few minutes of weeding will help, especially if we get a crowd. Meet at 9am at the Strickland Street cul-de-sac. If...Read More
Join experienced Bushcarers and those who’ve never friend Bushcare before. Help us rid our bushland of weeds and help our native plants thrive. And enjoy a short guided walk of discovery…Meet at 9am Strickland St. cul-de-sacMorning Tea provided. Bring a hat, wear sturdy shoes and sunscreen. Tools and gloves will be provided.For more info: M...Read More
When and where: Saturday 9th August 10.00am – 2.00pm For the second year in a row, students from all 5 Western Australian Universities (Curtin, ECU, Murdoch, Notre Dame and UWA) will join hands together with the Friends of Lake Claremont (FOLC) to help plant and restore Lake Claremont. FOLC have worked tirelessly over the last several years to...Read More
With the welcome rains filling the lake again, our ducks have returned. Ten species have been seen over the years and we will feature some of them in the coming months. [column col=”1/2″] The very handsome Australian Shoveler is endemic to Australia and New Zealand. As it is said to prefer permanent water bodies, we are...Read More