Monday Weeders

Join the Monday Weeders. Early morning most weeks. Make new Friends while doing one of the most important bush care tasks – weeding.

 Summer time 7:30 – 9:00 am

Join as often as you like.

Contact Linley on to join and find out where they’ll meet next Monday.

 Care for our park and the wildlife in it!

  1. Learn basic weeding techniques
  2. Help young seedlings survive
  3. Reduce herbicide use
  4. Get exercise
  5. Feel great!

Want to learn more about weeding?

Check out these resources for managing weeds on waterways:

Water note 15 – Weeds in waterways  – A guide to managing and restoring wetlands in Western Australia Wetland weeds Chapter 3: Managing wetlands – Bushland Weeds A practical guide to their management With case studies from the Swan Coastal Plain and beyond

Full Recor – A guide to managing and restoring wetlands in Western Australia Wetland vegetation and flora, part 1: Overview

Water notes collection – A guide to managing and restoring wetlands in Western Australia Wetland vegetation and flora, part 1: Overview

Thank you

Heidi Hardisty